Sunday, December 23, 2007


Things have been crazy around here in the world of BusyBarista. Friday night at work was ridiculous. My shift manager, M we will call her, decided to deny me my 10minute break at work. Normally, this isn't a big deal for me, since I never really take them, and I don't really need them. But if I ask specifically for one, I expect to be able to take one--as awarded to me by law. So she denied me my 10minute break, because she said that we were "too busy". Okay, whatever, not a big deal. So I went in the back to finish my job (washing and sanitizing all the dishes used in a day at work, it's more than you'd think!), and got quiet. I was, first and foremost, pissed off at being denied what I legally had the right too. But the only reason I got quiet, truly, was because if we are so busy that I can't take my break, we must be way too busy for any idle chit-chat, right? So I got quiet, lah-dee-dah, and kept washing. Well M gets annoyed at my silence and asks what my problem is. I was sort of surprised that she even noticed, cause we were so "busy". But she got annoyed at my answer of, "nothing, just doing my job". M then proceeded to slam everything that she had to touch around, and totally ignore me. She even went as far as to jump down my throat for asking a simple question about a task being done. Then she went on to say, "Pumpkin, if you plan on getting out of here on time, you should probably step it up and do something". AS IF I WAS DOING NOTHING!

Needless to say, I was pissed by the end of the night. I didn't say anything about it though, I kept up my happiness, and continued to try and engage her in conversation to get it all to blow over. I was shaking with rage by the end of the night.

Then I came in this morning to work. I wanted to take to my shift manager at that time about what I should do about covering a shift for someone else, working with M tonight after what happened. Well, M came in before I got the chance and dashed all hope of me thinking it'd just blow over cause she was having a bad night. She was rude, spiteful, and made a point to talk kindly to everyone on shift but me. What the fuck ever, right? Well, I have to work with her tonight, so I was extremely worried at this point, so I talked to S, my shift manager for this morning. S, after hearing my side, told me that M had told her that I got pissed off with some "attitude problem" and refused to work, going as far as to SIT DOWN! WTF! I didn't sit down the whole fucking time. I did a lot of the breaking down--her job as a shift. Because she was so worried about "covering for me" by, mopping, seriously? If we were so busy, the mopping could very well fucking wait! So I, at this point, was ready to fight this cunt. But I didn't. Instead, I did what I should have done first, instead of thinking it'd all blow over. I called the big boss--H. H promptly called me back and we discussed the situation. M had already talked to him, and told him her side of the story. So I told him mine. He said we both need to act like adults, and he would speak with her about denying me my 10minute break.

I'm still working tonight. I have no idea how it'll go. But needless to say, I'm ready for just about anything. I have a feeling that this will all blow up--because I refuse to apologize about something I didn't do. I will go in, say hello to her, and then do my work and leave. I will not engage her in conversation unless she does so first towards me. I will not go above and beyond my work...I will do it, get it done, and get out of there. I will not allow her to deny me my 10minute break again, and I refuse to allow her to degrade my work--so I'm going to be working my ass off to make sure it all looks perfect. I know that she will try and bog me down with all sorts of dishes that aren't normally needed to be done. But that's okay, I will prevail andmake her eat her fucking words.

If we have to argue, we will do it without the customers around, and I will call H down there, cause I refuse to take her shit while I'm doing the store a favor.

I've lost all love for her, and I will know at the beginning of my shift if I've lost all respect for my boss and his handling of situations.

I only wish that this didn't have to happen before my transfer goes through, considering he has to write a recommendation for me, and I'm pretty sure he'll take the person with seniority's side.

Friday, December 14, 2007


Another ho-hum day in the life of me: BusyBarista. I had my final for Psychology, which I was terribly worried about. My teacher punk'd our whole class though, on the grading scale...scared all of us to death! Luckily, with the grading curve, I ended up with a high-B on the final exam, which hopefully, with my paper and attendance, will give me an A for the semester. I really need to get 2 As, as I worry about getting below a 3.0 on my GPA.

Been journalling pretty regularly offline and everything...trying to work through a lot of my personal problems. Don't know how good it's actually going, I'm just making myself feel more guilty with each revelation I seem to come to. Honestly, soemtimes I think that I'll never get past what happened to me when I was younger--and that makes me even more depressed about it.

Went into work today to get my schedule. I have a slight decrease in hours next week (14.25 instead of the 15 I really desire), but hopefully the week after will be my final week at this location, and the new location that I transfer to will give me more hours.

Speaking of which, Jeremy, the asst. manager at the new location I want to transfer to, hasn't called me back from when I left my message for him earlier this week. I am going to have to stop by tomorrow and make sure that he got it, and that he'll approve me. I really hope that he does, it'll be so much easier than driving across town, or looking for a new job! Plus, I love the company I work for....they are really great.

My best friend, Marian, comes into town tomorrow. I'm really excited about it in some ways. In others, I'm worried. I feel sometimes like this will be the last time that we really get to see each other as friends, with us living so far away and everything. I've also noticed that when we talk on the phone and such, we really don't have that many things in common anymore...without getting to gossip about day to day activities like we could in high school. I really hope that I'm wrong though, because I've become (hard to believe) even more anti-social as I've gotten older, and it's really hard for me to make friends.

Okay, it's time to make the list for the week! I'll probably post on Sunday.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Finals Week!

Well, loe-and-behold, finals week finally arrived. Needless to say, I'm extremely stressed out and a little moody to be honest. I finished up my English class today, with only 3 more to go! (Environmental Science-Thursday; Psychology-Friday; History of Rock-Saturday). I truly can't wait until this semester is all over with!

Plus, when I'm done with this semester, I can concentrate on packing and moving all of my stuff over, not to mention going through the RIDICULOUS amount of shit that I seem to have accumulated in my short 19 years of life.

Going over to the boyfriend's tomorrow. Gotta finish painting my bedroom as well as the ceiling. The crazy roommate that was in there before decided that a pot leaf and bong would look awesome painted on a BRIGHT yellow ceiling. Not to mention that I hate, abhor, despise, etc. the color yellow.

Work tonight from 5.45pm, then come home and go straight to bed! I have work tomorrow at 7am! SO freaking early, when the manager knows that I'm going to be at work tonight until 10.45pm...slightly ridiculous, but I could really use the hours for moving out.

Working on paying off the first credit card, going to use this weeks paycheck on January's Car Insurance payment to my mom, and the rest will go to the credit card. It sounds crazy, but I can use any little bit towards it, even if it only ends up being $85 paid onto it. :)

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Prefinals Week!

It's Sunday, which means that prefinals week is coming to a close. That's the good news. The bad news? Take the "PRE" off of it....that's right, FINALS WEEK. Can't you just hear the inner "dun dun dunnnn"? So much stuff to do this next week--and I feel like I'm hardly studying!

I know that school should be the most important thing to me, but it's really hard when I'm also trying to balance work, the boyfriend (Matt), my family, Christmas shopping! and moving out.

I'm moving out of my family's house on the 24th of this year. Which really sucks, because
1.) It's Christmas Eve.
2.) I'm working on the opposite side of town from where I'm sleeping that night.
3.) I'm going back to work on Christmas on said opposite side of town.
4.)Moving sucks ass.

But at least I know that work isn't that bad. Being a Barista is pretty fun, in it's own special way. I know that I am really going to miss all the people at my store when I switch over to the new store at the end of this year! Speaking of which, I reaaally need to call the new store's manager and talk to him about when I want to switch exactly. ARG! Another thing to add to the ever-increasing list of stuff to do for finals week, then for moving, not to mention that I've not even started to pack!!!

And trying to save money really sucks. I have a feeling that it'll suck more when I'm living with my boyfriend and trying to pay rent making about $500 a month. Luckily I only have to pay half of that in rent (!!!).

Freaking out now...I think I should have a drink. :)