Friday, December 14, 2007


Another ho-hum day in the life of me: BusyBarista. I had my final for Psychology, which I was terribly worried about. My teacher punk'd our whole class though, on the grading scale...scared all of us to death! Luckily, with the grading curve, I ended up with a high-B on the final exam, which hopefully, with my paper and attendance, will give me an A for the semester. I really need to get 2 As, as I worry about getting below a 3.0 on my GPA.

Been journalling pretty regularly offline and everything...trying to work through a lot of my personal problems. Don't know how good it's actually going, I'm just making myself feel more guilty with each revelation I seem to come to. Honestly, soemtimes I think that I'll never get past what happened to me when I was younger--and that makes me even more depressed about it.

Went into work today to get my schedule. I have a slight decrease in hours next week (14.25 instead of the 15 I really desire), but hopefully the week after will be my final week at this location, and the new location that I transfer to will give me more hours.

Speaking of which, Jeremy, the asst. manager at the new location I want to transfer to, hasn't called me back from when I left my message for him earlier this week. I am going to have to stop by tomorrow and make sure that he got it, and that he'll approve me. I really hope that he does, it'll be so much easier than driving across town, or looking for a new job! Plus, I love the company I work for....they are really great.

My best friend, Marian, comes into town tomorrow. I'm really excited about it in some ways. In others, I'm worried. I feel sometimes like this will be the last time that we really get to see each other as friends, with us living so far away and everything. I've also noticed that when we talk on the phone and such, we really don't have that many things in common anymore...without getting to gossip about day to day activities like we could in high school. I really hope that I'm wrong though, because I've become (hard to believe) even more anti-social as I've gotten older, and it's really hard for me to make friends.

Okay, it's time to make the list for the week! I'll probably post on Sunday.

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